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Lenox-Mae, Happy 20th Birthday

On this day 20 years ago, you were born. When, I was wheeled into surgery to have you, there was a huge window in the ceiling of the surgery (I’d never seen anything like it). As they were preparing for you to come into this world, I focused on the beautiful clear, blue sky above my head. The moment, I heard your first cries, I looked at where they had taken you, daddy was looking in wonder at how beautiful, precious and small you were. I remember seeing angels walking around the room (not sure if it was the medication), and looking at you, as though they had never seen anything as beautiful as you. My mother would say, "that babies are like the beautiful rain drops that come into our lives from heaven, to water our world and to help make our lives flourish." She was right.

I love you with all my heart. Daddy and I couldn’t be happier having you in our lives. Through the ups and downs, you are always by our side. You have been a blessing and I know you will continue to be. As you get older the most important thing in life is G-d and serving Him.

Have a beautiful, happy 20th birthday!!

by Emily Winfield Martin

“I know you’ll be kind… and clever… and bold. And the bigger your heart, the more it will hold. When nights are black and when days are gray—you’ll be brave and be bright so no shadows can stay. And become anybody that you’d like to be. And then I’ll look at you and you’ll look at me and I’ll love you, whoever you’ve grown up to be.”

Love you, bunches!

Daddy and Mom

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