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Bordoodle’s: Accepting Applications

Spring/Summer 2023: We are now accepting applications for Ivy and Baxter’s Bordoodle puppies. We currently have 6-7 available slots open.  We require a non-refundable deposit of $500 to reserve your spot.

Please take note: We will not breed Ivy and Baxter until we have filled all available puppy slots.  If by chance we don’t receive the required amount of puppy orders (when she comes into season) we will be unable to breed Ivy to Baxter.  However we will transfer all of the deposits to the next breeding cycle, and notify all of our applicants of this delay.

Why are we doing this? As a breeder, we end up with too many puppies that turn into dogs, and the sad truth is people will no longer want an adult dog. We do keep the older puppies/dogs here and I continue to train and expose them to internal/external annoyance(s), crate training, leash, etc.  Our concern for offering puppies without deposits/applications is: We (society) are living in trying financial times and we unfortunately have seen the depletion of individuals interested in purchasing puppies and this is not only a challenge as a breeder to place puppies in homes but also for the individuals that want a puppy immediately (emotion) and do not take into account their financial situation and many times the result for the puppy is to surrender the dog.   People might ask, “Why keep breeding”? This is a fair question; because people are still desiring family pets, and dogs/cats offer emotional/mental support for many people.

This is no different than the person complaining about the “destruction,” of our planet due to the overwhelming pollution of plastic bottles in landfills, beaches etc., but continue to purchase said offensive products.

Breeding: Ivy came into season January 2, 2023; her typical breeding cycle occurs every 4-6 months.  She potentially (based on her past seasons), could come into season as early as May to June.  Our hope is Ivy will stay on track based on past history and we’ll be able to breed her this Spring/Summer.

Thank you and please visit our website for future updates, and make sure to join our Facebook family and puppy group for photos, comments, and posts regarding life with our families and their puppies from

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