She was bred with handsome Weber (Poodle), December 6 & 8th. Gestation period for canines is approximately 63 days from conception. Weber has been health and genetically tested as well as Ivy. All of his information will be available here on our website. We are hoping for brown/white or possibly black/white. Both Ivy and Weber share some similar color traits, However, I hesitate to offer a 100% guarantee on color until the puppies are born. So as not to disappoint potential buyers. We will begin taking reservations beginning, February of 2021. Keep in mind these are NOT designer puppies but mixed breed puppies. Ivy is a registered Border Collie and Weber pure breed Poodle with exceptional parentage. The puppies genetics are labeled as F1, this simply means each parent is of pure breed, and puppies will carry 50% genetic breeding from Dam (Border Collie 50%), and Sire (Poodle 50%). We plan to post parents exceptional traits so you will have the best information to gauge your decision on whether or not a Bordoodle is a right fit for you and your family. Please, conduct your own independent research before making an informed puppy buying decision.
